What Is Pipe Bursting?

Are you curious to know what is pipe bursting? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about pipe bursting in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is pipe bursting?

Maintaining a robust and functional pipeline system is essential for the smooth functioning of various industries and urban infrastructure. When it comes to replacing old or damaged pipes, traditional methods often involve extensive excavation and disruption. However, with the advent of innovative techniques like pipe bursting, the process has become more efficient and less intrusive. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of pipe bursting, understanding its principles, advantages, and applications in modern pipe replacement projects.

What Is Pipe Bursting?

Pipe bursting is a trenchless method of pipe replacement that eliminates the need for extensive excavation. It involves using a bursting tool to fracture the existing pipe while simultaneously pulling a new pipe into place. This process allows for the seamless replacement of old or damaged pipes with minimal disruption to the surrounding infrastructure.

How Does Pipe Bursting Work?

The pipe bursting process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Access Points: Access points are created at the beginning and end of the section of pipe to be replaced. These access points provide entry and exit points for the bursting tool and new pipe.
  2. Bursting Head: A specialized bursting head, also known as an expander, is inserted into the existing pipe. The bursting head is larger in diameter than the old pipe and is equipped with cutting blades or rollers.
  3. Fracturing the Pipe: The bursting head is pulled through the existing pipe, applying force to break the old pipe. The cutting blades or rollers on the bursting head fracture the old pipe into small fragments while displacing them into the surrounding soil.
  4. Installing the New Pipe: Simultaneously, a new pipe is attached to the back of the bursting head and pulled into place as the head advances. The pulling force displaces the fragments of the old pipe and positions the new pipe in the same alignment.
  5. Completion and Connection: Once the bursting process is complete, the access points are sealed, and the new pipe is connected to the existing pipeline system. The result is a seamless replacement of the old pipe with a new, durable one.

Benefits Of Pipe Bursting:

  1. Minimal Disruption: Pipe bursting significantly reduces the need for extensive excavation, minimizing disruption to the surrounding infrastructure, landscapes, and roadways. This makes it an ideal solution for urban areas, congested environments, and projects where preserving the existing landscape is crucial.
  2. Cost-Effective: By eliminating the need for large-scale excavation and associated restoration work, pipe bursting can provide cost savings compared to traditional pipe replacement methods. It reduces labor, equipment, and material costs, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious projects.
  3. Time Efficiency: Pipe bursting is generally a faster process compared to traditional pipe replacement. The reduced excavation and restoration requirements, coupled with the ability to work in parallel on multiple sections of pipe, can accelerate project timelines.
  4. Improved Pipe Performance: Pipe bursting allows for the installation of new, high-quality pipes that offer improved performance, durability, and longevity. This enhances the overall functionality and reliability of the pipeline system.

Applications Of Pipe Bursting:

Pipe bursting can be applied to various infrastructure projects, including:

  1. Water and Sewer Systems: Pipe bursting is commonly used for the replacement and rehabilitation of water and sewer pipes in municipal, commercial, and residential settings. It enables the seamless upgrade or repair of aging or deteriorating pipelines.
  2. Gas and Oil Pipelines: In the energy sector, pipe bursting can be employed for the replacement of gas and oil pipelines, reducing downtime and operational disruptions during maintenance or expansion projects.
  3. Industrial and Commercial Facilities: Pipe bursting is applicable in industrial settings, such as factories and manufacturing plants, as well as commercial buildings, including shopping centers and office complexes. It allows for efficient pipe replacement while minimizing disruptions to ongoing operations.


Pipe bursting is revolutionizing the way we approach pipe replacement, offering a modern and efficient alternative to traditional excavation methods. With its minimal disruption, cost-effectiveness, and time efficiency, pipe bursting has become a preferred choice for various infrastructure projects. By embracing this trenchless technology, we can enhance the functionality and longevity of pipeline systems while minimizing the impact on the surrounding environment and communities.

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What Is A Pipe Bursting?

Pipe bursting is a method by which the existing pipe is opened and forced outward by a bursting tool. A hydraulic or pneumatic expansion head (part of the bursting tool) is pulled through the existing pipeline, typically by using a cable and winch.

Why Do Pipes Suddenly Burst?

Blockages in pipes are the most common cause of pipes bursting. Stop the flow of water, which causes pressure buildup in pipelines. The pressure buildup expands the pipes and eventually causes them to burst. If you have a main pipe burst, it is best to call a plumber immediately.

What Happens After A Pipe Burst?

A burst pipe will send water flooding into your home. Locate the main water supply and shut it off to stop the flow of water, preventing additional damage. Leave the faucets on to fully drain the pipe and relieve any remaining pressure, and flush all toilets.

What Does Sewage Pipe Burst Mean?

Sewer line bursting is when a licensed plumber pulls a same-size or larger pipe through the existing pipe, using a hydraulic or pneumatic expansion head, a cable, and a winch. The original pipe bursts as the new pipe gets installed – all with little disturbance to your landscaping.


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What is pipe bursting?