What Is A Shared Left Turn Lane?

Are you curious to know what is a shared left turn lane? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a shared left turn lane in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a shared left turn lane?

A shared left turn lane, also known as a center turn lane or a two-way left turn lane, is a type of roadway lane designed to provide a space for vehicles to safely make left turns in both directions. In this blog, we will explore what a shared left turn lane is, its purpose, and how it functions.

What Is A Shared Left Turn Lane?

A shared left turn lane is a lane located in the center of a roadway, usually marked by solid yellow lines on either side. It is designed to provide a space for vehicles to make left turns in both directions, with traffic flowing in opposite directions using the same lane for left turns.

The shared left turn lane typically extends for a portion of the roadway, with access points along its length for vehicles to enter and exit the lane. It is often used in areas with high traffic volumes and frequent left turns, such as shopping centers or areas with numerous businesses.

Purpose Of A Shared Left Turn Lane

The purpose of a shared left turn lane is to improve traffic flow and safety by providing a designated space for vehicles to make left turns in both directions. It helps to reduce traffic congestion by allowing vehicles to make left turns without obstructing traffic in the through lanes.

Additionally, the shared left turn lane helps to reduce the risk of collisions caused by left-turning vehicles crossing multiple lanes of traffic. Providing a designated space for left turns, it helps to separate turning vehicles from traffic, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall safety.

How Does A Shared Left Turn Lane Function?

The shared left turn lane functions by providing a designated space for vehicles to make left turns in both directions. When a vehicle needs to make a left turn, it enters the shared left turn lane from the through lane closest to it and proceeds to the access point closest to its destination.

Once in the shared left turn lane, the vehicle can safely wait for a gap in oncoming traffic before making its left turn. After completing the turn, the vehicle then merges back into the through lane.

It is important for drivers to use caution when entering and exiting the shared left turn lane, as vehicles may be entering or exiting from both directions. Drivers should also be aware of the solid yellow lines on either side of the lane, indicating that it is illegal to use the lane for passing or traveling long distances.


In conclusion, a shared left turn lane is a designated lane in the center of a roadway, providing a space for vehicles to make left turns in both directions. Its purpose is to improve traffic flow and safety by reducing congestion and the risk of collisions caused by left-turning vehicles crossing multiple lanes of traffic. Understanding the function and purpose of shared left turn lanes can help drivers navigate the road safely and effectively, improving overall traffic flow and safety.

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What Is The Difference Between A Shared Left Turn Lane And A Left Turn Lane?

A left turn lane is only for one direction of traffic to use and is found at turns onto other roads. A shared left turn lane is for both directions of travel to use to make mid-block left turns

How Do You Use Shared Left Turn Lanes?

TO TURN LEFT FROM THE STREET: Look for opposing vehicles already in the TWLTL, signal a left turn, then drive completely inside the TWLTL lane. Don’t stop at an angle with the rear of your vehicle blocking through traffic. Turn only when it is safe.

What Is A Shared Turn Lane Used For?

BENEFITS. Shared transit/right-turn lanes allow vehicles to make right turns across a transit lane.

What Is A Shared Left Turn Lane And Where Do You Find It?

These lanes are found in the center of highways for easy access for both ways of traffic. A shared left turn lane is a lane provided for drivers coming from both ways of traffic that are turning left only.


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What Is The Purpose Of A Shared Left Turn Lane

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What Is The Purpose Of A Shared Left Turn Lane

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