What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called?

Are you curious to know what is a shape with 10 sides called? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about a shape with 10 sides called in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is a shape with 10 sides called?

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called?

The world of geometry is rich with diverse shapes and figures. In this exploration, we delve into the intricacies of polygons, specifically focusing on a shape that captivates with its ten sides. Let’s unravel the mystery of what this polygon is called and its mathematical properties.

Understanding Polygons:

Before we pinpoint the specific shape with ten sides, it’s essential to grasp the broader category to which it belongs. Polygons are closed geometric figures with straight sides. They are classified based on the number of sides and angles they possess.

What Is A Shape Called With 10 Sides:

A polygon with ten sides is called a “decagon.” The term “decagon” is derived from the Greek words “deka,” meaning ten, and “gonia,” meaning angle. A decagon is a two-dimensional shape with ten straight sides and ten angles.

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called – Triangle?

While a triangle is a polygon, it specifically has three sides and three angles. The term “decagon” exclusively refers to a polygon with ten sides, making it distinct from triangles.

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called In Maths:

In the realm of mathematics, a shape with ten sides is formally known as a decagon. Mathematicians study the properties and characteristics of decagons within the broader field of geometry.

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called – Angles:

A decagon has a total of ten angles, and the sum of its interior angles is given by the formula (n-2) × 180 degrees, where “n” represents the number of sides. For a decagon, this formula translates to (10-2) × 180 degrees, providing the total sum of its interior angles.

11 Sided Shape:

An eleven-sided polygon is called an “undecagon” or “hendecagon.” Like the decagon, it falls within the category of polygons with straight sides.

Shape With 9 Sides:

A polygon with nine sides is called a “nonagon.” It is characterized by nine straight sides and nine angles. The sum of its interior angles can be determined using the same formula as the decagon.

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12-Sided Shape:

A polygon with twelve sides is known as a “dodecagon.” It exhibits twelve straight sides and twelve angles. Similar to the decagon, its interior angles can be calculated using the (n-2) × 180 degrees formula.

Shape With 100 Sides:

A polygon with one hundred sides is termed a “hectagon.” While such polygons are less common in everyday geometry, they follow the same principles as the decagon, with the sum of interior angles determined by the (n-2) × 180 degrees formula.

7 Sided Shape:

A polygon with seven sides is referred to as a “heptagon” or “septagon.” It features seven straight sides and seven angles. The sum of its interior angles can be calculated using the same formula employed for the decagon.


In conclusion, the world of polygons unfolds with captivating shapes and angles. A shape with ten sides, aptly named the decagon, stands as a testament to the geometric diversity that mathematicians explore. Understanding the nomenclature and properties of these polygons enhances our comprehension of the intricate world of mathematics and geometry.


What Is A 100 Sided Shape Called?

What is a 100 sided shape called? In geometry, a hectogon or hecatontagon or 100-gon is a hundred-sided polygon. The sum of all hectogon’s interior angles are 17640 degrees.

What’s A 11 Sided Shape Called?

In geometry, a hendecagon (also undecagon or endecagon) or 11-gon is an eleven-sided polygon. (The name hendecagon, from Greek hendeka “eleven” and –gon “corner”, is often preferred to the hybrid undecagon, whose first part is formed from Latin undecim “eleven”.)

What Is 12 Sided Shape Called?

In geometry, a dodecagon, or 12-gon, is any twelve-sided polygon.

What Shape Has 1 Billion Sides?

Originally Answered: What shape has 1000000000 sides? A 1000000000-agon. I’m not joking, that’s what you call it. You could also call it a billion-agon if you like, but you might as well just call it a “billion sided polygon” for clarity.

I Have Covered All The Following Queries And Topics In The Above Article

What Is A Shape Called With 10 Sides

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called Triangle

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called In Maths

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called Angles

11 Sided Shape

Shape With 9 Sides

12-Sided Shape

Shape With 100 Sides

7 Sided Shape

What Is A Shape With 10 Sides Called